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Infusing Comfrey Oil

After trying the poultices - I did notice that the area where they were applied the pain was less - somewhat - it did not remove the pain completely - but I was able to sit and stand a little easier...  but making them, applying them and dealing with them for five to eight hours was a big negative.  Talking with people and reading about comfrey -  infusing oil was recommended most often.


So this is how I did it:

  First I went to a local health food store - Three Rivers Co-op Natural Grocery & Deli in Fort Wayne and bought dried comfrey leaves.  The woman at the store said that the root of the comfrey plant was best for internal and the leaves were better for external healing...  So I bought a sandwich baggie stuffed full of dried comfrey leaves.  Plus a bottle of organic virgin olive oil, 25.4 fluid ounces.  (Other sites I looked at stated that coconut oil is much better - but because coconut oil was about double the cost - I chose olive oil... also some sites said to use cold pressed organic olive oil... I could not find cold pressed - so I just used organic.)


  Then I took a large pan that I cook spaghetti in and put about 4 inches of water in it and turned it onto warm.  I then took a quart mason jar poured the olive oil in the jar and set a ring from the mason jar on the bottom of the pan and set the mason jar on the ring - make sure that the water does not go over the top of the jar - I don't know if this is the "correct" way to do it - but this is the way I did it... I made sure that the water in the pan stayed at the same level or just above the level of the olive oil - making sure that it would not go into the jar of oil...  I used an electric stove and put the temp on 4.


While this is warming I took the baggie of comfrey leaves and dumped them in a bowl.  I then took about 2 tablespoons of hot hot water and hydrated the comfrey leaves...  This is just done by sight - there's no exact mesurements - just make sure there is no excess water, so add the water a little bit at a time...  I kept stirring the dry leaves, adding a bit of water, and stirring again, going slowly, watching and feeling the leaves, then adding a little bit more water until all the leaves were softened... 


Now, the next step would be so much nicer if I had had cheese cloth - it would have been ideal to place the moistened comfrey leaves in some cheese cloth, tie it off, and place it in the mason jar of olive oil...  But I didn't have cheese cloth.  So I just dumped my mushy mass of comfrey leaves directly into the mason jar of olive oil and let it do its thing for nine to twenty-four hours...  What I did was start this about nine or ten in the morning, and kept it on warm all day long - making sure to keep an eye on the water level because it does evaporate out - and add water to the pan, NOT the jar of olive oil.  Then about ten o'clock at night, just before I went to bed, I turned the stove off and put a cover over the jar - I did not seal it tight - I didn't want condensation in the jar - but I did want to keep any kind of critters that might be flying around at night, out...


The next morning I strained the comfrey using a wire mesh strainer - squeezing the mass of comfrey to get every drop of oil out I could.  Then I poured the infused - strained oil back into its original jar - and Viola! Infused Comfrey Oil!




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